About table tennis


Table tennis is an active all inclusive energetic sport that girls and boys can take part in.

Many children get their first taste of table tennis when Santa brings them a toy set comprising a basic net, two toy bats and a ball for Christmas. They fix it up on the kitchen table and play against Mum, Dad, brother or sister.

This kind of activity only distantly resembles table tennis which requires great skill, fitness, anticipation, agility and the correct sports equipment. An ETTA qualified and experienced table tennis coach is able to teach and coach all of these skills and guide junior players to reach their potential. Guidance on the correct selection of bat for playing with is key to learning the game properly.

The sport takes place in a variety of venues: schools, halls, clubs, sports centres, gymnasiums, table tennis centres and more. There is a vast and established circuit for competitive table tennis: schools competitions, local leagues, inter-town leagues, cadet  and junior leagues, the Junior British League and County League, and tournaments at home and on the international stage.

At the Stockport Table Tennis Academy junior players have the opportunity to learn the game properly with the emphasis on good technique using the latest bats and equipment. With up to date UKCC qualifications our coaches are able to call on their playing experience built up over many years when teaching and instructing junior players.

New players, register here

Table tennis training and coaching for juniors: register to play at Stockport Table Tennis Academy

Get in touch

Academy management

David Hulme

Chairman/Head Coach

Sponsors Area

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